Name of regulated profession:Operator barocameră
Legislation:Government Decision no. 350 of 1993 on preparation, training, improving training and certification of the divers, Order no. M. 29/363/1995 Minister of National Defence and Minister of Labour and Social Welfare
Recognition under: DIRECTIVE 2005/36/EC Additional information :Recognition under Directive 2005/36/EC: General system of recognition - primary applicationQualification level: ATT - Attestation of competence , Art. 11 a
Description of activities:Operatorul barocameră este persoana instruită şi atestată prin examen să conducă activităţile de lucru cu barocamera şi răspunde de buna funcţionare a instalaţiilor interioare şi exterioare ale acesteia. Se subordonează şefului de scufundare pe timpul desfăşurării activităţilor de scufundare.
Translation(s): Hyperbaric chamber operator is the person trained and certified to operate the hypelbaric chamber, responsible for the proper functioning of its interior and exterior installations. He is subordinate to the diving supervisor during their activities. (EN)
Scafandru (Romania)
Name of regulated profession:Scafandru
Translation(s):Diver (EN) - Plongeur (FR) - Taucher (DE)
Government Decision no. 350 of 1993 on preparation, training, improving training and certification of the divers, Order no. M. 29/363/1995 Minister of National Defence and Minister of Labour and Social Welfare
Recognition under: DIRECTIVE 2005/36/EC Additional information :Recognition under Directive 2005/36/EC:General system of recognition - primary applicationQualification level: ATT - Attestation of competence , Art. 11 a
Description of activities: Scafandrul este persoana care executa scufundări autonome cu aer comprimat până la adâncimea de 40 metri. Activitati:Pregătirea echipamentului pentru scufundare; Executarea scufundării; Deplasarea în mediul acvatic; Căutarea şi recuperarea de obiecte şi persoane în/din mediul acvatic; Inspectarea structurilor imerse; Acordarea de ajutor scafandrului aflat în dificultate; Scufundarea pentru verificarea tehnică a construcţiilor imersate, echipamentelor si instalaţiilor hidromecanice şi hidrotehnice, înlăturarea unor obstacole; Scufundarea pentru verificarea, controlul şi decolmatarea structurilor imerse; Executarea de lucrări subacvatice de construcţii şi montaj; Executarea de înlocuiri şi amplasări de cabluri, şine şi conducte cu trasee subacvatice; Executarea controlului nedistructiv al structurilor imerse
Translation(s): The diver is a person who executes autonomous air diving to a depth of 40 meters. Activities: Preparation of the diving equipment; Diving; Moving in aquatic environment; Searching and retrieving objects and people to / from the aquatic environment; Inspection of structures immersed; Helping distressed diver; Technical verification of submerged buildings, hydromechanical and hydro installations or equipments, removal of obstacles; Inspection, control and desilting of the immersed structures; Execution of subsea construction and installation; Execution of replacements and locations of cables, rails and underwater pipelines; Execution nondestructive testing of immersed structures (EN)

Scafandru greu (Romania)
Name of regulated profession:Scafandru greu
Translation(s):Surface supply diver 0-40 metres (EN)Legislation:Government Decision no. 350 of 1993 on preparation, training, improving training and certification of the divers, Order no. M. 29/363/1995 Minister of National Defence and Minister of Labour and Social Welfare
Recognition under: DIRECTIVE 2005/36/EC Additional information :Recognition under Directive 2005/36/EC:General system of recognition - primary applicationQualification level: ATT - Attestation of competence , Art. 11 a
Description of activities:Scafandrul greu este persoana care executa scufundări cu alimentare de la suprafata cu aer comprimat până la adâncimea maxima de 40 metri. Activitati: Executarea scufundării; Deplasarea în mediul acvatic; Căutarea şi recuperarea de obiecte şi persoane în/din mediul acvatic; Inspectarea structurilor imerse; Acordarea de ajutor scafandrului aflat în dificultate; Scufundarea pentru verificarea tehnică a construcţiilor imersate, echipamentelor si instalaţiilor hidromecanice şi hidrotehnice, înlăturarea unor obstacole; Scufundarea pentru verificarea, controlul şi decolmatarea structurilor imerse ; Executarea de lucrări subacvatice de construcţii şi montaj; Executarea de înlocuiri şi amplasări de cabluri, şine şi conducte cu trasee subacvatice; Executarea controlului nedistructiv al structurilor imerse
Translation(s): The surface supply diver is the person who executes the surface supply diving with compressed air up to maximum depth of 40 meters. Activities:Preparation of the diving equipment; Diving; Moving in aquatic environment; Searching and retrieving objects and people to / from the aquatic environment; Inspection of structures immersed; Helping distressed diver; Technical verification of submerged buildings, hydromechanical and hydro installations or equipments, removal of obstacles; Inspection, control and desilting of the immersed structures; Execution of subsea construction and installation, Execution of replacements and locations of cables, rails and underwater pipelines, Execution nondestructive testing of immersed structures (EN)

Scafandru lucrator subacvatic (Romania)
Name of regulated profession:Scafandru lucrator subacvatic
Translation(s):Surface supply diver 0-60 metres (EN)
Llegislation:Government Decision no. 350 of 1993 on preparation, training, improving training and certification of the divers Order no. M. 29/363/1995 Minister of National Defence and Minister of Labour and Social Welfare
Recognition under: DIRECTIVE 2005/36/EC Additional information :Recognition under Directive 2005/36/EC:General system of recognition - primary applicationQualification level: ATT - Attestation of competence , Art. 11 a
Description of activities:Scafandrul lucrator subacvatic este persoana care executa scufundări cu alimentare de la suprafata cu aer comprimat sau amestecuri respiratorii până la adâncimea maxima de 60 metri. Activitati: -Pregătirea echipamentului pentru scufundare - Executarea scufundării - Deplasarea în mediul acvatic - Căutarea şi recuperarea de obiecte şi persoane în/din mediul acvatic - Inspectarea structurilor imerse - Acordarea de ajutor scafandrului aflat în dificultate - Verificarea tehnică a construcţiilor imersate, echipamentelor si instalaţiilor hidromecanice şi hidrotehnice, înlăturarea unor obstacole, fără punere la uscat - Verificarea, controlul şi decolmatarea structurilor imerse - Executarea de lucrări subacvatice de construcţii şi montaj - Executarea de înlocuiri şi amplasări de cabluri, şine şi conducte cu trasee subacvatice - Executarea controlului nedistructiv al structurilor imerse - Executarea de lucrări mecanice cu scule acţionate hidraulic sau pneumatic
Translation(s): The surface supply diver 0-60 m is the person who executes the surface supply diving with compressed air or breathing mixtures up to maximum depth of 40 meters. Activities: - Preparation of the diving equipment - Diving - Moving in aquatic environment - Searching and retrieving objects and people to / from the aquatic environment - Inspection of structures immersed - Helping distressed diver - Technical verification of submerged buildings, hydromechanical and hydro installations or equipments, removal of obstacles - Inspection, control and desilting of the immersed structures - Execution of subsea construction and installation - Execution of replacements and locations of cables, rails and underwater pipelines - Execution nondestructive testing of immersed structures - Underwater Cutting and Welding - Operation of the hydraulic or pneumatic actuated tools (EN)

Scafandru salvator (Romania)
Name of regulated profession:Scafandru salvator
Translation(s):Salvage diver (EN)
Legislation:overnment Decision no. 350 of 1993 on preparation, training, improving training and certification of the divers, Order no. M. 29/363/1995 Minister of National Defence and Minister of Labour and Social Welfare
Recognition under: DIRECTIVE 2005/36/EC Additional information :Recognition under Directive 2005/36/EC:General system of recognition - primary applicationQualification level: ATT - Attestation of competence , Art. 11 a
Description of activities:Scafandrul salvator este persoana care executa scufundări cu amestecuri respiratorii la adâncimi mai mari de 60 metri, cu alimentare de la suprafaţă sau cu ansamblul de scufundare. Activitati: Căutarea şi recuperarea de obiecte şi persoane în/din mediul acvatic; Inspectarea structurilor imerse; Acordarea de ajutor scafandrului aflat în dificultate;Scufundarea pentru verificarea tehnică a construcţiilor imersate, echipamentelor si instalaţiilor hidromecanice şi hidrotehnice, înlăturarea unor obstacole; Scufundarea pentru verificarea, controlul şi decolmatarea structurilor imerse; Executarea de lucrări subacvatice de construcţii şi montaj; Executarea de înlocuiri şi amplasări de cabluri, şine şi conducte cu trasee subacvatice; Executarea controlului nedistructiv al structurilor imerse;Căutarea şi recuperarea de materiale, tehnică şi persoane în/din mediul acvatic la adâncimi mai mari de 60 metri; Salvarea personalului din submarine avariate
Translation(s): Salvage diver is a person who executes diving with breathing mixtures at depths deeper than 60 meters, supplied from the surface or in a diving bell. Activities: Searching and retrieving objects and people to / from the aquatic environment - Inspection of structures immersed - Helping distressed diver - Technical verification of submerged buildings, hydromechanical and hydro installations or equipments, removal of obstacles - Inspection, control and desilting of the immersed structures - Execution of subsea construction and installation - Execution of replacements and locations of cables, rails and underwater pipelines - Execution nondestructive testing of immersed structures - Underwater Cutting and Welding - Operation of the hydraulic or pneumatic actuated tools; Search and recovery of materials, technology and people to / from the water at depths greater than 60 meters; Rescue personnel from damaged submarine (EN)

Sef de scufundare (Romania)
Name of regulated profession:Sef de scufundare
Translation(s):Diving supervisor (EN)
Legislation:Government Decision no. 350 of 1993 on preparation, training, improving training and certification of the divers, Order no. M. 29/363/1995 Minister of National Defence and Minister of Labour and Social Welfare
Recognition under: DIRECTIVE 2005/36/EC Additional information :Recognition under Directive 2005/36/EC:General system of recognition - primary applicationQualification level: ATT - Attestation of competence , Art. 11 a
Description of activities:Şeful de scufundare este persoana instruită şi atestată prin examen să planifice, să organizeze şi să conducă activităţile de scufundare şi răspunde direct de executarea scufundării şi lucrului sub apă. Activitati : Planificarea activităţii de scufundare; Organizarea activităţilor de scufundare; Conducerea activităţilor de scufundare
Translation(s): The diving supervisor is a person trained and certified to plan, organize and conduct diving activities, directly responsible for the execution of diving and underwater work. Activities: Diving activity planning; Organizing the diving activities; Dive management (EN)

Tehnician de scufundare (Romania)
Translation(s):Diving technician (EN)
Legislation:Government Decision no. 350 of 1993 on preparation, training, improving training and certification of the divers Order no. M. 29/363/1995 Minister of National Defence and Minister of Labour and Social Welfare
Recognition under: DIRECTIVE 2005/36/EC Additional information :Recognition under Directive 2005/36/EC:General system of recognition - primary applicationQualification level: ATT - Attestation of competence , Art. 11 a
Description of activities:Tehnicianul de scufundare este persoana instruită şi atestată prin examen să deservească şi să exploateze instalaţiile din compunerea ansamblului de scufundare (compresoare, surpresoare, grup diesel-generator, caldarine, instalaţii de răcire, regenerare amestec respirator, stocare gaze, etc.). Se subordonează şefului de scufundare pe timpul desfăşurării activităţilor de scufundare.
Translation(s): Diving technician is a person trained and certified to operate the diving instalations (compressor, boosters, diesel-generator group, cooling systems, regeneration mixture respiratory gas storage, etc..). He is subordinate to the diving supervisor during their activities. (EN)